About Us

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Our Story

Blue Escorts offers an exciting, sophisticated model for online escorting. With Blue Escorts, we provide escort and massaging services to our clients & customers pay for time with an escort. Go to the club together, grab dinner, or go somewhere more intimate? It’s up to you: what happens subsequently between two adults is not ours to determine. Prostitution is illegal, and we do not allow our escorts and clients to use this site for that purpose.

Privacy for everyone is our priority! As Blue Escorts is for adults over 18, we work to ensure all of our escorts are of age and fully consenting to every aspect of the BlueEscorts experience. Blueescorts is opposed to trafficking in any form.

How is MintBoys Different than the Other Sites?

  1. Blue Escorts relies on the “Indian model.” Clients buy time, not sex; we do not support, promote or condone prostitution.
  2. We’re concerned with clients’ privacy. Other sites have web forms for contacting escorts, leaving a digital fingerprint. At Blue Escorts, we simply display the escort’s phone number, allowing direct contact. We have no record of any client nor whom they contacted.
  3. We accept ads only for escorts paid for their time, not prostitues. All ads are screened for appropriateness; all escort pages contain a disclaimer that money is paid for time only.
  4. We happily cooperate with law enforcement in cases of human trafficking. For any other issue, we only respond when given a valid subpoena.
  5. All escorts must be at least 18 years old.
  6. Blue Escorts is strongly opposed to human trafficking. We do not accept ads from escort services or massage parlors. Suspected cases of human trafficking are referred to law enforcement.
  7. Blue Escorts will never sell anyone’s name or contact information.